Jubilee Art Exhibition Downloadable Paintings
Jubilee Art Exhibition paintings, biographies, artists’ photographs downloadable by individual artist for display in local L’Arche art shows by continents and countries.
Community Selection Process – L’Arche Kenya by Peter Gakunga
Late in 2013, L’Arche Kenya core members got involved in an interesting art presentation. This was an invitation from the International Federation of L’Arche’s 50th anniversary celebrations to showcase the diverse and artistic talents and illustrate the gift of L’Arche through the vision of people with learning disabilities. After a series of artistic activities, L’Arche Kenya […]
L’Arche en Anjou, France, by Fabrice Maussion
Here are the results of a project initiated by L’Arche en Anjou: Twenty three people with developmental disabilities got caught up in the “game,” each one creating a piece of art! We elected a special jury at our weekly community meeting,…and Thérèse’s drawing was selected. The jury took care to discern a prize for each […]
L’Arche London, UK, by Hazel Bradley
At our community gathering last November, we displayed as many paintings by people with learning disabilities as possible. We took time to enjoy the exhibition and to vote for the one for the International Online Art Gallery. It was a close decision with only one vote between the top three – all were good! We […]
L’Arche Comox Valley, Canada, by Claire Donavan
This piece of art was chosen at a general body meeting of our community members. Members were invited to make a comment about it. Community reflections: “We live by the ocean. It is part of us. This painting represents our community.” “Deep and mysterious.” “I like it.” “She has an artist’s eye.” “It represents Chrissy. It shows life, […]