‘Och Aye The Noo’, Wax crayon/felt tip, 210mm x 297mm, 2014

Artist: Ionutsa McClelland

GB-LArche_Inverness-Ionutsa_McClellan-PhotoIonutsa McClelland attends L’Arche Inverness Workshops 2 days per week. She started in 2012, however she knew the workshops from visiting with Inverness College.

Ionutsa enjoys the workshops – Candles, the Garden and the Snug. She likes being busy, socializing with people, helping others.
She enjoys art/drawing along with her other interests. Ionutsa’s favourite interest is swimming and she represented UK at the Special Olympics in 2007.

Ionutsa’s artwork has been inspired by Scotland where she lives in the Highlands near Inverness.

L’Arche Inverness (Inverness, United Kingdom)