A Message from Jean Vanier

Congratulations for those members of L’Arche who have done these beautiful paintings. I hope that you will take time to look at them, contemplate them, and listen to them because these paintings have been done by people who frequently have difficulties in different ways. As you look at the paintings look at the people through the paintings. These are people who have in some way lived an element of rejection but in point of fact they are incredibly beautiful people. They might have difficulty making speeches and things like that but they have beautiful gifts – gifts to be given. These paintings are gifts that they have done and remember that painting is the song of the heart.

Congratulations to all in L’Arche who have participated in and arranged that this Jubilee L’Arche On-Line Art Exhibition could be done. But above all what is important is that we contemplate and give thanks for the hearts of these men and women who have beautiful gifts. For us it is to welcome the gifts, but above all as we welcome the gift, we are welcoming those people who have done them. Thank you to all those who have contributed.
~ Jean Vanier, Trosly-Breuil France, 2014